Well, yay! My Walnut Hollow extruder had a mishap. Yep, that was a GOOD thing!
I have awful arthritis in my hands and sometimes would use a vise to hold the extruder while cranking. But I didn't always want to go to all that trouble just for a small amount of extruding. The Walnut Hollow has a black rubber-ish sleeve over the body. Well, that sleeve let go and came off the extruder.
You would think that'd be a big old
but NO!!
That led me to find a solution to grasping it... and what a great benefit it turned out to be for my arthritic hands!
To the rescue: GELGRIP
I think I picked this up at Home Depot. You wrap it around and around the extruder and get a great padded grip! So now it's not only padded but a bigger grip, too. My only teeny, tiny criticism is that you have to attach both ends with electrical tape. But a minor thing, for sure!

So then, the extruder wouldn't fit back into the case with the plastic organizer still in it. I took that as an opportunity to put a magnetic sheet in the bottom of the case to hold some of my disks. (In the spirit of recycling, I used an advertising magnetic sheet from a major league baseball team. I save every magnetic ad I get!)
Maybe this will help some of my fellow clayers that also have trouble gripping their extruders!