Piece of cake, right? Well, no.
My first attempt was using Martha Stewart Metallic Paint.
I don't have any pictures of that. To this point I hadn't realized what a trial this project was going to be! It has to be the most expensive 'freebie'
I've ever done!
1 Shot Lettering Enamels
The second try, I used 1Shot gold automotive paint that I purchased at Summit Racing Equipment in McDonough, GA..
As you can see below, it seemed too "bland" --- and nobody likes a bland pig! So, I decided to outline it in red.
Not so hot!
I had tried to curl the lettering some to conjure the illusion of smoke.
My piggy plan was actually going up in smoke!
So, out came the paint stripper!!
I used Citristrip Stripping Gel from The Home Depot.Let me tell you, this stuff is FANTASTIC!!
No fumes or odor, and it curdled that paint right up!
There were actually 2 or 3 more attempts. Didn't like any of them. Just couldn't cook anything up that had any interest.....
Then I decided it needed COLOR…
and another post …..
Very informative!!! Great job!!